List of websites to support Modern Languages online

Website Link Description 
DuoLinguo Lots of languages available, including French. Lots of fun daily practise activities to develop language skills. Leaners can take a placement test to set learning based on their skills and knowledge or start learning from the basics. 
Monde de Titounis bastienn?app=desktop French nursery rhymes and story videos. 
BBC 2nd Level French jects/z2mxsbk A range of French learning activities. 
Tres Bien French Learning in French split into different topics. 
Lightbulb Languages .uk/resources-pr-fr-resources.htm Lots of French teaching and learning resources. 
Pollyglot Languages French Culture Monopoly https://pollyglotlanguages.files.wor cultural-monopoly.pdf A novel resource in the style of a monopoly game. Designed to have learners find out more about France and French culture. 
Radio Lingua me/ Lots of modern languages resources for learning at home. 
BBC French Resources jects/z39d7ty Clips and other resources to support French learning. 
Power Language  Learn a Language Course amilies?utm_source=ActiveCampai gn&utm_medium=email&utm_cont ent=PowerLanguage:++Resources+ Available+for+Home+Learning&ut m_campaign=PowerLanguage:++R esources+Available+for+Home+Le arning Currently free subscription to a family learn French course. Provided by Power Language, who run the PL Platform teaching resource. 
French Games Net https://www.french- Online French games for children. 
NI Curriculum Primary Languages website Supports conversational French for younger learners. 
Bonjour Le Amis t/flbla/index.html?launch=true Online French learning site for children by Learn Alberta. A range of activities to support learning in French. 
French Language topic games https://www.lasouris- Sorts French learning games by topic. 
A Green Mouse for-children/ Presents French learning through lesson texts and accompanying 
videos. Sorted by topic. 
Comptines TV French nursery rhyme / traditional 
song videos. 
Mama Lisa French songs Huge collection of French songs 
and rhymes. 
A range of French learning 